Not much to say but in the best way possible, an absolute classic, there's a reason it's been released and re-released, genuinely surprised there's no remakes but as the series is still ongoing we may have a few years before that starts up. The combat is incredible if poorly balanced in your favor. Definitely speaks to the power fantasy of the early 2000's but tries to finesse in some introspective gesturing towards themes of redemption, sacrificial revenge etc etc. Awesome take on mythos if not a bit awkward and crossed, later games would take the time to nail the references and concepts in this integration. That said, pre Percy Jackson this was the most accessible and engaging content about Greco-Roman mythology out there and introduced a whole bunch of people to these ideas and themes applied to a modern narrative. Spent so many hours playing this in the basement on PSP, wore out my thumbstick on the attack that would swing the chains, I remember the techniques they used to render fire were just breathtaking. Was also one of the most mature games that Mom and Dad ever let us have although I chalk that up to an incredibly tame box art making his weaponry less an explicit focus of the image like other similarly mature games of the time. Seeing blood and breasts in a game for the first time was definitely formative and made me wonder about the possibilities for content in games considering the delineation in my mind was that you could either make a leisure suit larry, conker's fur day etc OR you could make a complete game with good narrative, solid mechanics etc. This was a revelation that there were indeed videogames made FOR older audiences, not just accessible to them.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
