Dead Space (2023)

Played on Playstation 5

I LOVE Dead Space 1 & 2, as both of them are some of my favorite horror games of all time. I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi stuff, and Dead Space has always worn its inspirations on its sleeve. When it got announced that Dead Space was coming back for a remake, I was crazy excited to relive the nightmare of the Ishimura. But I got caught up with real life and the backlog, and I never got to it...until now lol.

The remake hits pretty much all the important story beats from the OG, but with more focus on the characters and the fall of the Ishimura. The OG did not do this in the same capacity. It really feels like the Ishimura crew were living, breathing people at one point rather than just monsters. Issac's personality as well is great and really feels like he is truly just an engineer who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This translates extremely well with his relationship with Nicole.

The remake also has the refinement in gameplay the later Dead Space's had as well as some new modern features. The OG got it right from the jump, this is just the quality of life implementation. Modern hardware allows for the technology to have the Peeling system. Basically lets you shoot and peel every layer of skin, flesh, muscle, bone off the necromorphs. It's disgusting, and its amazing.

I'll admit it, I didn't believe that Dead Space out of all games really needed a remake. The OG came out in 2008, which sure may be dated in some aspects but still an enjoyable experience. After playing this and the OG back to back, I still share the same opinion. However, if you want to play Dead Space in the best way you possibly can, this remake is the way to go. My only real gripe its that while the remake has great sound design, it doesn't hit as hard as the OG. Some little stuff like no photo mode or the way the objective tracker works this time around is a bummer, but they aren't really that deep.

This game is great and I'm glad Dead Space is back.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2024
