Sonic CD (1993)

Played on Nintendo Switch (Replay, Sonic Origins Plus)

Making a 2D Sonic game where the main objective is exploration and gigantic vertical level design sounds insane, but it just works. CD can be still played playing as fast as you can, but you really do yourself a disservice by doing so. So much of this game’s shine is through its Past/Future system, which is even communicated through visuals AND gameplay. Changing the music as well as the routes and enemy placement in every zone. It’s such a cool idea that I don’t think is appreciated enough. The game focusing on exploration also fixes the problem Sonic 1 had about “taking it slow”, as this game was designed for that while still making it fun.

It’s not executed the best way though. Hitting an obstacle or taking damage while trying to maintain speed to access the Good Future can be annoying as hell. Just like Sonic 1, not every zone is created equal, and as the game goes on, the zones kind of just get worse with more dumb gimmicks. Things pick back up again with Stardust Speedway, introducing Metal Sonic in a really cool boss fight that fits Sonic so well, more than anything in Sonic 1 or 2.

Crazy good music, a cool idea that comes with plenty of replay-ability, and special stages that don’t suck. Sure the boss fights are gimmicky and his Super Peel Out doesn’t really seem to have a purpose, CD is still so good. Great game.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
