(This is the English translation of my Spanish review of this game)

Sometimes it's tough to write a review of a game you know is good, but it's just not for you. I definitely had a few hours of entertainment at least (since it’s a cheap indie game), but it definitely gives me the feeling that it’s made for university engineers haha 🤓🤓🤓

I really like that the game starts with almost no handholding into the first stage, where you’re tasked with building a machine that can destroy things - and that’s basically the whole game. Divided into several screens, you have to build whatever comes to mind to destroy (and in some cases "steal") objectives in a medieval/steampunk setting, and honestly, it’s a very well-made system. Imagine if the construction system in Tears of the Kingdom were even more extensive and you had access to an infinite amount of materials and resources.

What really puts me off about the game is that when the difficulty starts ramping up, you have to think too much. You get to a point where you have to come up with incredibly complex machines that can fly or catapult things, and honestly, It felt kid of exhausting. Even though the game has a gorgeous aesthetic and a unique personality in terms of animations, I didn’t feel the gameplay hooked me enough to keep playing.

I rate it 3.5 beheaded knights out of 5 ♞♞♞

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024
