It took some years of thought, but I'm certain now: this is my favorite Platinum game. The combat takes basic ideas from other Platinum titles but injects them with mechanics that are squarely Transformers (Vehicle Mode, Rush Attacks, Vehicle Attacks, Overdrive) and puts 5 distinct characters, a ton of build variety, and some of the best enemy/boss design in the entire genre in there to boot. Throw in a charming visual style that hasn't aged, the best Platinum OST outside of Anarchy Reigns, and a solid little story evocative of G1 with as many of the original VAs as possible (including Cullen at his most motivated, with possibly the best Optimus/Megatron confrontation that Cullen & Welker have ever voiced), and that's an underappreciated classic. If you even remotely care about action games or Transformers, you owe it to yourself to play this game however you can.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023
