1 review liked by Mika_Yuki_Yozora

I've always stayed far away from soulslike games as they really didn't seem fun to me. Why do I want to constantly be struggling and pissed off my entire playthrough? So imagine my surprise when I started playing Armored Core VI under the assumption it was just an action game! After about an hour of playing, I got stuck on a boss and wanted to quit right then and there. Had I really just paid full price for a game I want to quit immediately? But for some reason, I decided to try and get better. I eventually cleared the boss, and 20 hours later I finished my first playthrough! I would say I'm pretty addicted to this entry in the Armored Core franchise. At the time of me writing this I'm on my third playthrough and I can't put it down!
The story is great, the characters (especially Carla and Rusty) are written very well, and the gameplay is super fluid, fast-paced and just overall great!
So yeah, this game is awesome.