Eh, its really not that special, and is blown out of the water by its successors. I think the main reason its regarded as the goat by so many is because it was a game that came out in 1994 that had things in it like suicide, depression, grief, romance, etc. Not to mention that the story telling was extremely ambitious and grand in scale for a game at this time. I think the problem I had with this game is that final fantasy games are usually driven by presentation, and apart from a few areas every place in the world looks exactly the same, as opposed to the later games, and even games at the time like chrono trigger where every corner of the world was extremely unique. The atb system is still fun, but is still done better by games like chrono trigger due to its integration with the overworld. Its still a good game, with good gameplay, good story and good characters, it just isnt amazing

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
