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Dark Void is a cut and dry 3rd person shooter. Lacking in weapon and enemy variety, with a cookie cutter aliens on Earth plot. The combat is mechanically bare, half the weapons aren't worth looking at. The only saving grace is that the jetpack sections can be kind of cool, when the pacing of them isn't horrible at least.

Don't even get me started on the story itself. I mentioned it briefly already, but it really is just a generic alien story. The plot is very reminiscent of say Crysis, but not even in the same league of quality. They also force an unnecessary romance plot between the two main characters. Of which you randomly find out are exes.

In many ways this game is just mediocre. But it makes a few design errors that particularly bothered me. Such as the entire screen flashing bright red every single time you take damage. Not only does this obscure your view completely, but since it does it individually for every bullet your take, the game turns into a Seizure Machine. Just absolutely horrendous design.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

I loved the idea of the vertical cover system but it just couldn't use that as a bouncing point for something that should have been amazing but fell completely flat sadly.