Incredibly solid n64 era platformer. I'm not as familiar with the indie scene for this genre as I wish I was, so I can't speak to how revolutionary this is in the grand scheme of things. However, as someone who has played a number of the classic collect-a-thons (especially Banjo-Kazooie which this is clearly inspired by) and a good amount of indie 3D platformers--i.e. Demon Turf, Toree 2, Spark 3, A Hat in Time, etc.--this is one that I'd really love to see more of.

There's so much life in its environment and characters, and the mechanics are beautifully versatile without feeling overwhelming. I understand that the dev team is very small and this probably didn't have much money behind it, but there's so much intelligence and creativity packed into such a short experience that I'd seriously love a true follow up that could really let them strut their stuff. As is though, this is still awesome. And I'm glad I found out about it just now cuz after playing 140 hours of Dragon Quest 11 S I really needed something simple and tight.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
