Harold Halibut is a beautiful game that needs some serious investment from the player. Not because it's hard but because it's slow, extremely slow. The writing is almost clinical and that's not a bad thing. You get to live on this underwater station, talking with everyone about the smallest things, learning about everyone and the station in great detail. This makes for pacing that's incredibly slow. For a long time nothing seems to really happen. But when it hits you at the end, it hits hard because of all the time you invested, because you know so much about these characters.
Plus the look is just gorgeous. You can actually tell that all character models and environments are handcrafted and scanned in. You see all the little touches and even the small little, human mistakes when crafting all this from hand, which simply makes it charming. The presentation is even further improved by the atmospheric music. The game is often quiet but it knows exactly how and when to use one of its original and licensed songs, elevating great scenes to perfection.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
