Finished this a bit ago and gave myself some time to marinate my thoughts on it

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Dark Souls is that this game makes a very compelling world. Each area feels unique and very thoughtfully crafted. It reminds me of a castlevania game in how the areas link together and lead you to shortcuts you can take later on.

Having never played a souls game before the combat definitely took some getting used to with how weighty it feels. Every option you do is a full commitment and I think that leads to having to be more mindful of when you attack and how you position yourself than in a standard action game. Bosses are a test of being able to recognize animations and knowing which ones to punish. Other than reusing one a few times, they're varied challenges that really put what you know about the game to the test while you fight them.

As far as the characters and story go I appreciate the effort they went through to not tell you what's happening directly. Having you piece things together throughout the game is neat, but I really don't think that kind of storytelling is for me.

TLDR (8/10) Good Game ^_^

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2022
