I've had passing encounters with megaten before; this is the first one I've played for myself.
I've grown rather fond of this game over my playthrough, but I'm not gonna pretend like it doesn't have massive fucking problems, because it does, particularly in the difficulty. The RPG part of the game isn't that difficult, almost every enemy can be cheesed into oblivion with status effects. The actual difficulty of the game is trying to navigate the clunky menus and labyrinthine overworld without plunging your fist through the screen. You are fighting for your fucking life through hordes of encounters that yield no EXP every tile of the map except for the save point. I'm sort of glad that you don't need to keep track of your party members' weaknesses or use a lot of complex strategy in this game because otherwise it would just feel completely unfair to blindly stumble through a dungeon maze for an hour and then get obliterated by a boss because your party is unknowingly weak to its attacks.
For all of my complaints, I enjoyed the story, characters, music, and general atmosphere of the game a lot. The demon negotiation mechanic is a cool part of the battle system. What strategy elements are particularly present in the game are also fun, especially involving managing demons.
Probably going to spend the rest of my life imagining an intricate, well done remake being released and getting sad that it doesn't exist.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

you can count on Atlus to never remake games that need remakes