This is an odd little series that has inspirations from RPG maker horror/adventure games, and like... shounen? It's a strange mix, but as the series go on the series goes in an incresingly chuuni shounen direction that ends up making it a ton of fun to sit down and play through.

The gameplay is... fine? I don't think anything was ever particularly like- difficult, but the boss fights all being based on quick reactions and timing is a consistent method to keep you engaged during them. Otherwise it's a lot of walking and talking. Not a complaint, but it has that distinctly RPG maker vibe, I guess? It's charming to me, so that's what matters I suppose.

The characters and story are really the meat of things here, and they're all great. The main duo of Noel and Caron really carry the bulk of things. Hell, they're the only protagonists for the first quarter of the story. They're both great protagonists who get a ton of time to grow, and their dynamic is always fun. Once the cast started to expand I was... mixed at first, but I quickly grew to like the supporting characters. This especially goes for Fugo that guy is the best. In the second half, the cast expands even further and you really get a lot of time with the characters that matter. Ribellio in particular is awesome.

The villains are also fucking rad. Most of them aren't... redeemable, but you learn enough about them to at least understand them. I was REALLY worried we'd get a 'villain is secretly justified right at the end' moment, especially considering how many of the series' early antagonists end up in at least less villainous roles, but luckily that never happens. These dudes are evil and suck, much worse than our cast of predominantly anti-heroes. Burrows is such a funny dude to watch and definitely gives you the feeling of just loving to hate him.

Presentation-wise the sprites and stock RPG maker assets scattered about are an... acquired taste, but the CGs and character art are consistently great. Series also uses impact font and that's just so funny. The music is largely from libraries, especially early on, but the original pieces here are really standout. This series loves leitmotifs it's fuckin awesome.

All-in-all this is a very special little series, one that I'm glad has finally wrapped up and given me an ending. Certainly has some issues with regards to production most of all I think (those stock assets get pretty distracting,) but the love put into this project really trumps those problems for me. A true labor of love that took many years of work. Really fun, really chuuni, and that's all I need sometimes.

Revenge is based. That's it.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
