If you are a fan of vector graphics, try out this stylish shoot em up/platformer from ATARI. It kind of controls like shit, originally using a trackball??? The sharp visuals caught my eye when browsing the Atari Vault collection.

We got ourselves a real video game in here my dudes.

If I saw this in the arcades as a teenager in in 1980, It would BLOW MY FUCKING MIND.

This game gives me a huge rush of energy every time I start a new game. I love knocking out all the bugs before they get in proper formation, and sparing a few of the big boys so you can get another ship. It's a colorful and magnetic shooter; building off the base of Galaxian, boosting speed and enemy variety. It really is a quintessential example of the kinds of experiences arcades had to offer and set the groundwork for multiple genres of shoot em ups.