I picked this for my SPY spot in the Retro Achievements Challenge. A fun and challenging run & gun game that punishes you for going too fast unless you've died a few times and you learn the patterns. But be forewarned, one shot kills on you. Unless its a grenade (Which you don't get i-frames and they will spam grenades) or they punch you. You can walk into the enemies to push them back and not lose health. But its very quirky.
The game starts mild mannered until round 8. Where there's a huge spike in difficulty because of the boss. Having to shoot in four corners whilst a crosshair is jumping around the screen can really take a toil on a person. The final stage of the game is the worse because in order to have enough bullets to even have a shot of the boss, you have to play the whole stage flawlessly. The only check point is at the final elevator where you have to use at least 10 of your 40 starting bullets and the first phase of the boss takes close to 40 shots. I'm glad I am done with this game.
At least the music is fantastic.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
