Halfway through my like 10th... 11th... Maybe 12th? Fuck if I know man.

Halfway through my [NUMBER TOO MANY]th attempt to get through this game's bloated back half, my throat seized up and I struggled to breathe. I hit the floor like a wet sack of bricks, crawling towards my inhaler like I was trapped in the final QTE for a 2010 shooter that people on Reddit insist "wasn't that bad" - if you ignore the racism.

When I got back on my feet, and managed to breathe in clean air, I realized that choking to death was the most I'd felt across the like 100 hours I've sank into this game. By all rights, parts of this game should spark some feeling in me, albeit primarily negative feelings. Whether it's the wooden Odyssey 2 gameplay, the unexamined Viking veneration that reads as distinctly fascist, the thinly veiled antisemitism, the uncritical and blind depiction of the colonized as weak cravens who need a guiding hand and the colonizers as noble cultured warriors without fault, the staggeringly bad open world design or the relatively uninspired and predictable plot this game has something to piss one off.

Not me, though.

0/10 Cystic Fibrosis is better.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023
