I had a lot of fun but there were a couple of hangups I had about it. Your first impressions with some of the locked areas is "it's a metroidvania" but on that end it was sort of weak. I got very far and skipped several items that were meant to continue progression that I found long after they would've been useful. It's more of a roguelike platformer with some metroidvania aspects.
As far as it being a roguelike it was heavily imbalanced in favor for the player. I hardly felt like I died to anything except when I was rushing to get from a point to another and making platforming mistakes.
Still, I would recommend this game if you're looking for a retro platformer fix, the controls are very responsive, and outside a few performance issues I experienced on Switch it was fun experienced, just possibly needed more time to balace the difficulty.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023
