This was quite an enjoyable game. Between the fluid movement, the sense of humor, and the scale of the world that's not too big nor too small, it's easily one of my favorite recent experiences.

I do have a few gripes however. The only collectible really worth getting are the Glimts, the floating energy spheres all around which can increase your maximum health and ultimately unlock the Iron Mouse mode (where you get one life to beat the game). The other collectibles being the Memorabilia and the Hidden Mickeys? No reward. They are there just for percentage and naught else. I would've liked a bit more reward for getting them but they were still fun to track down and figure out how to get.

Those nitpicks are really worth the full star. Still really solid gameplay, really fun to go through, doesn't wear out its welcome. It's quite great and highly encouraged. It's ideal for those experienced with Metroidvanias and also those who aren't as familiar and want to dip their toes in without too much challenge.

I only played in single-player but I hear multiplayer is where the game really shines. I eagerly look forward to seeing speedruns of this game.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
