I really liked Terra's story, but since that's the one I played first I was kind of disappointed with the other two. Ventus's story was fine I guess, but nothing really stood out to me other than how it ended, and even that just bleeds in to Aqua's ending. I know people like Aqua a lot but her character never really clicked with me, even after playing III and 0.2 so I didn't really enjoy her story that much either. The way the characters' stories intersected and how you could see their effects on the worlds in different playthroughs was cool though, and Square Enix did a pretty good job of segmenting the worlds up so that each character had a few unique areas in each of them, though. As far as gameplay goes it's the same command deck system that the other handheld KH games used which I like well enough and the shotlocks are pretty fun to mess around with, but that's really it.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2023
