Surprise of the past year!
This game is insanely fun, the combat system & the ability to control my party members were amazing, especially when you unlock a new upgrades and powers. One of the things that I liked the most is solving puzzles to find a way using each member’s ability, This adds some gameplay variation and strategy, making it even more enjoyable.
I didn’t expect much from the story since it’s a superhero game, but it was surprisingly good & all the flashbacks were just on time.
the dialogues are well-written, I spent lots of time doing nothing just to listen to their lovely conversations.
Characters development & relationships were very charming especially when they argue :p .. they disagree & conflicts each other all the time yet sacrifice a lot. Which made me laugh, sympathize and feel emotional many times <3
The soundtracks fit very well & It Absolutely deserves the “best-narrative” award.
Lastly, I’m glad for this experience. It reminds me of the super-hero games I used to play in the PS2 era :’) I highly recommend it & It’s definitely a must play for any marvel fan.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2022

1 Comment

10 months ago

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