Feels like a quickly put together fan game rather than a fully optimized and developed game at $60 (the same price as Frontiers, the same price as Forces+Mania on release, where Mania alone for $20 was a better experience and now Forces doesn't look that bad to me either).

Multiplayer modes are not that bad, but couch co-op in the Story mode is just not great, I played through two zones with 3 other people and it was chaotic as expected, but it was also almost impossible to even try and do something at such high speed when the game tries to block it away and kills other players almost intentionally (by being on the wrong layer or being sent in another direction from a loop). Physics feels very similar to Mania, but with 3d models it doesn't look very good. Thus, the gameplay loop is very typical for a 2D Sonic game, but in my opinion the levels and bosses (especially, with their music) are the biggest letdown, as they try to be generally original and new, but in fact they are combinations of the previous levels in the classic series with a few exceptions gimmick-wise. so I don't understand why so many people praise the game for "all original levels" - they are almost like reused ideas from earlier games put into one big melting pot and this is what we have as a result. And to finish it all, the music and sound effects almost make it feel like Sonic 4 Episode 3, especially because those games also reused older ideas but put them together under different names (even the sunset thing from Splash Hill Act 3 is also used here for Bridge Island Act 2) - and they don't generally make a lot of sense being put together like that, unlike S3&K or Mania that connected the zones with smallest things, but still that put a general mental image in your mind, unlike the hub level here which feels like Generations (where levels were also put together from other older games without a lot of cohesion).

Oh, and the Emerald Power-ups - they feel like an unnecessary gimmick which is always highlighted when you can use it, so you don't even need to try and find interesting scenarios, they are just given to you. Plus, they feel like reused or early ideas for wisps with almost the same kind of activation, so again no real originality there, but it's something new. And the special stages are frankly non-sensical because they're based on luck with how "well" the homing ability works in these levels.

To sum up, I would maybe enjoy it at $20-25 with a discount (so that would be even lower) just because $60 is too much for the general frustration this game gave me with how little sense it makes in the level design and boss fights and overall quality.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023
