Elsinore 2019

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This might sound silly, but I'd actually describe this game as an "information roguelite". Elsinore is a narrative-focused timeloop game, and as such, every new timeline becomes almost like a 'run', exploring different characters' backstories and trying to achieve different endings by manipulating certain events.

And there's a lot of variation here, by the way. By using Shakespeare's Hamlet as a canvas, the game is able to craft a very intricate web of relationships, conversations and happenings that the player is able to pull in various directions. By orchestrating the death of certain characters, chaotic domino effects can occur, resulting in wildly different outcomes. As a story engine, it's a great game.

Well, what about the story itself? Is it good? Yes, yes it is. The developers do make certain alterations in regards to the original text, but I'd argue these are a net positive. Most of the cast is pretty well-developed and charismatic, and although you do become numb to their deaths after seeing them so many times (which I actually find great), I found that I still cared deeply for them. Hamlet, Ophelia, Horatio and Polonius were personally my favorites.

All in all, I enjoyed my time with this one. With me being in the control of the story, exploring different weaves and facets of each character in every 'run', I almost never became bored with the game or found its pacing slow. The storylines all intertwine and regularly reveal new information, peeling away at the layers of Elsinore.