I've clocked over 24 hours + into RE7 over PC and PS4, safe to say I love it.
Taking RE in a brand new direction was such a good idea and the setting of this one is extremely interesting.
We've had zombie mansion, zombie police station, zombie city but RE7 has the player explore the scariest setting of all: A red state in America.
While the enemy variety is little to none it's bursting with character and will always clock you about 5-7 hours of quality gameplay.
While every RE loses it's horror elements towards the end of the games, this one does that but adds a 30 minute plot explanation to it, something that unfortunately VILLAGE does as well.
The gameplay is incredible smooth, I did play with a PS4 controller and the camera sensitivity had no good middle ground either feeling too slow or too fast. I got used to it eventually but I did have to switch to keyboard and mouse for one segment.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2022
