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2 things hold it off being a semi-perfect game:
1-The game being too easy (it has it's difficulty spikes in the middle of the game, but early and late game is ez af)
2-Ending in a cliffhanger. It's not like it matters now, i can start DDS2 in 10 minutes if i wanted to. I just HATE duology games that finish with cliffhangers, there isn't any other way to finish it tho, but i hate cliffhanger duologies.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022


2 years ago

i would probably go insane if i had played this without knowing about the cliffhanger ending/the fact that it's a duology. imagine buying this then getting THAT ending

2 years ago

Bro fr I'd have gone absolutely crazy and I wouldn't be able to hold my fucking cock while waiting for dds 2 LOL