I had alpha access to this game, and most of my playtime was during these tests.
Spellgame was a fantastic battle royale that suffered the fate many games do these days. They over-update, try to cater to everyone, and falls flat on it face after they end up pleasing no one.
The game had a fantastic idea, and played super well during the tests. You weren't locked into classes, you could freely upgrade yourself. Want to put all your points into the ability that lets you ice skate? Sure, absolutely not viable, but allows you to move 10 times as quickly and shoot yourself across the map (and probably into your death). It was fun, unique, crazy, but never the optimal way to play.
This freedom would slowly get removed with updated, and unfortunately the game got less fun to play over time. Players quickly got locked into roles or the same two loadouts every match, the fun of experimenting with different crazy builds got taken away, and after that there was no reason for me to play.

I think this could have been it, but unfortunately the devs have now been absorbed by Activision Blizzard, and their unique ideas will now be silenced so they can work on World of Warcraft and Warzone. What a shame.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
