Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. What a wild ride this has been. I first purchased this game in 2014, and it never escaped my mind after that.

Including Counter-Strike Source, I have been playing CS on and off for over 10 years. Absolutely crazy to think about.

So, what makes this game so magical? The expertly crafted momentum based movement, the way the guns feel, the endless skill ceiling, the passion in the voice chat, and the feeling of no matter how much everyone hates each other, we still try our best to win.

No matter how many shooters that come out that could in theory replace this game as my go-to, whether it's R6, Overwatch or Valorant, I always seem to come back. Unlike most live services, the beauty of CS is that it's consistent. You'll learn to play with the AK, and it remains almost identical, 10 years later. You learn a map, and it's still there when you return. Your lineups, strategies and old muscle memory never becomes useless because a patch messed it all up.

Counter-strike is the constant. You always come back.

Though I am excited for CS2, it is almost sad to see this game disappear. We've been through so much, but it had to come to an end at some point.

My memories with this game will be a special part of me for the rest of my life.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2023
