Started playing this game with a few buddies. We would run around, do quests for ~8 hours. We noticed that everything we encountered had no threat to us. Bosses could not really damage us in any meaningful way, and the game allowed us to easily progress by just spamming our attacks, tanking it all.

Upon asking some players in the chat "what the deal is", we quickly found out that the game does not start until after you hit max lvl. At this point some offered to boost us, which would only take a couple of hours, or we could grind for about 90 hours. At this point we logged off and played something else.

We spend the overwhelming majority of the time playing this game holding the W key, walking to our objective. When we arrived we got to mash buttons for a short while, before walking again. Overall not worth it, and from what I have seen later gameplay mostly revolves around AFK-farming.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
