Surprisingly, I couldn't enjoy the original as much as I enjoyed the sequels. Yes, as the fans say the interconnectedness is awesome, and considering the time period it was released in it's easy to see why the game is loved by many. It was a genre-defining game after all. However, I believe its sequels were much more polished (which is obviously a good thing), even Dark Souls 2 imo. The combat is a bit more clunky compared to its sequels. Additionally the total lack of direction was also somewhat confusing. Don't get me wrong, I don't want something like a quest marker but the NPCs didn't also give a hint except a few times. Nevertheless, the game certainly deserves its place as a classic, despite the issues I've said because everything else is amazing, and the problems might not be a problem for you even, perhaps I just need to git gud.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2022
