Bright Memory Infinite is a pulse-pounding thrill ride that feels like a spy action flick, before devolving into beautiful, unadulterated chaos as you decimate hordes of enemies with a range of devastating weaponry. It may only last for a brief two hours, but it is without a doubt one of the most distinct and creative first-person shooters I have ever had the pleasure of playing. The game's blend of gunplay and swordplay is a joy to behold, and I found myself unable to resist even after obtaining every single achievement. While the story itself is basic and somewhat uninspired, it is clear that the focus of the game was always on the gameplay. And what gameplay it is - once you acquire some upgrades, Bright Memory Infinite does an exceptional job of making you feel truly overpowered, while simultaneously challenging you with boss battles that require careful planning and strategy.

The ability to swap weapons and abilities seamlessly is a key part of what makes Bright Memory Infinite so satisfying to play. For instance, you can launch an enemy into the air, slice them in half with your sword, then perform a devastating slam attack, all while sniping another foe from above. It's this kind of combo-building that reminded me of the likes of Devil May Cry, mixed with gunplay similar to DOOM. And while the game can be punishingly difficult even on Normal difficulty, with enemies packing extremely accurate firepower, the sheer rush of adrenaline you feel when pulling off these combos makes it all worth it.

The third-person mode could have been implemented a little better, and there are some issues with it that can make it frustrating to use at times. The difficulty, as mentioned before, can be a quite frustrating for players used to easier FPS games. The english voice acting in this game is also very uninspiring and weak, so I recommend playing this in Chinese if you can handle reading subtitles. Nevertheless, these minor gripes aside, Bright Memory Infinite is an absolutely remarkable game, made all the more impressive by the fact that it was created by just one person. I cannot wait to see what the next installment in this series will bring, and I will be first in line to play it on day one.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
