Marvel's Spider-Man stands as a remarkable achievement even five years after its release, capturing the essence of Spider-Man as a character and delivering a compelling narrative centered around the destructive nature of revenge. With its exhilarating and powerful web-slinging mechanics, captivating narrative, and top-tier action combat, this exceptional and immersive superhero game surpasses expectations, and stands firm in being the standard for the superhero genre.

Firstly I need to talk about arguably the most important aspect that continues to impress today: the web swinging. Despite the passage of time, the thrill of swinging through the city never wanes. I found myself continuously pushing the boundaries of my web-slinging abilities, executing daring dives from towering buildings and seamlessly transitioning between parkour-like wall runs and swift web maneuvers. The numerous outposts scattered throughout New York, where I was able to engage in intense combat against hordes of enemies, also remains as satisfying as ever. Additionally, the inclusion of activities like collecting backpacks and capturing snapshots of landmarks during swinging sessions adds enjoyable pit stops along the way. Even the spontaneous crimes that arise, allowing me to swiftly intervene and then move on, reinforce the feeling of being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. The game's focus on being a local hero, protecting one's own city, rather than jetting off to far-flung locations for various missions, further solidifies this sense of grounded heroism. In this regard, it evokes a similar feeling to that of Arkham Knight, where the game centers around defending the streets of Gotham City.

It also goes without saying that Marvel's Spider-Man is a visual and auditory delight all these years later. The attention to detail in the character models, animations, and environmental design is remarkable. The city of New York is a vibrant and living backdrop, complemented by stunning lighting and weather effects that further enhance the immersion. The musical score, composed by the talented John Paesano, perfectly captures the essence of Spider-Man, evoking a sense of adventure, heroism, and emotional resonance, especially when it comes to the main theme.

Another standout feature of Marvel's Spider-Man, however, lies in its captivating storytelling. I believe it surpasses most of the movies in terms of crafting an engaging narrative that feels fresh and innovative. Witnessing the transformation of Otto Octavius into the legendary Doc Ock throughout the course of the game is heartbreaking and deep. Uncovering the tragic backstory of Martin Li intertwining with his alter ego, Mr. Negative, is just something you can't help but feel empathy towards. These two characters showcase the complex nature and destructive power of their revenge-driven motivation.

Another shoutout goes to the game's exceptional portrayal of beloved characters like Peter Parker, MJ, and Miles Morales. The writing and voice acting bring these characters to life, showcasing their distinct personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities. The relationships between the characters are explored with care and nuance, adding emotional depth to the narrative. The inclusion of Miles Morales as a central figure is a welcome addition, as his unique abilities and perspective provide a fresh dynamic to the gameplay and story. Despite some minor shortcomings in the missions involving MJ and Miles, they do not detract significantly from the overall experience, and I found myself fully invested in the journey and development of these iconic characters.

When it comes to the actual combat, I couldn't get enough of the satisfying combos. It is absolutely peak action. The fluidity and responsiveness of the controls make it a joy to execute sequences like a devastating punch followed by a graceful dodge, an uppercut from behind, a quick two-hit combo, a swing kick, and finally, a web toss to dispatch another enemy. This level of versatility in Spider-Man's attacks and gadgets truly rivals the combat mechanics of the Arkhamverse, which undoubtedly served as a significant inspiration for this creative decision. In fact, I found myself enjoying the combat in this game even more than in Miles Morales' standalone title, especially once the upgrades for Spider-Man's gadgets are unlocked, resulting in truly exhilarating battles. Another thing to give props to is the stealth. Despite my general disinterest in stealth mechanics in games, this title manages to infuse enjoyable elements of stealth, allowing me to creatively incapacitate enemies with webbing or perform powerful kicks to the head for swift takedowns. Experimenting with gadgets like impact webs and trip mines adds another layer of strategy, and it allowed me to maintain distance while having fun effectively neutralizing adversaries.

Marvel's Spider-Man represents the quintessential superhero game, a remarkable and effective ending of the hit-or-miss Spider-Man titles of the past that were often tied to movie releases. Yuri Lowenthal's portrayal of Spider-Man is, in my opinion, the definitive interpretation of the character to date, imbuing him with both terrifying strength and combat reflexes that rival those of Batman in the Arkhamverse. I even find myself reading the actual comics with his voice in my mind, because it's just so perfectly fitting. The exceptional musical score, top-tier voice acting, and seamless controls further enhance the overall experience. Without a doubt, this game has secured its position as my favorite superhero title and one of my all-time favorite games, leaving me eagerly anticipating the release of its sequel.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
