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Time Played


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This is a real story.

Back in 2009 when I was 5 years old, I have memories of going to school, alone, in a 25 minute bus trip, armed only with my ds (we didn't have mobile phones back then you know) and high hopes for the future that the educational system could bring.

But one day, as I got out of the school bus on my way to class, a bunch of disguised shady men kidnapped me and left me in a dark basement. I didn't know what to do or why I was there, the only thing I wanted was to hear the voice of my parents one more time.

But, lucky me! One of the kidnappers left his phone on the room, so I got it and typed the only number I knew at the time, my house's number. Surprised I answered to the voice of a man I that I'd never heard of before, he told me he was a policeman, and that he wasn't sure that it was the real me talking on the phone, it could've been a trap, or a recording, so he asked one simple question to dispel all doubts.

"What time is it?"

I remember that sentence vividly, I panicked, it seemed that there were no clocks in the room, not any watch in sight either. I decided to check on the phone, it didn't have the time, I was on the verge of tears, when I suddenly remembered my ds.

I thought I was saved, but when I checked the built-in watch in the upper right corner of the top screen... Nothing, it also didn't work, I lost... and I finally gave up on any hope of getting out of there. "Why such bad luck?! Why me?!" I thought, just before telling the policeman that I didn't know the answer to that question.

But then, almost miraculously, a very familiar combination of words came into my mind.

"With the Mario Clock you will always know what time it is, wherever you are!"

Words cannot describe how happy I was to see Mario' s little figure, and the charming and classic sound effects of the original Super Mario Bros game.

I'm grateful and pleased to say this story ended well, thanks to the exclusive app for the Nintendo DSi and the Nintendo 3DS "Mario Clock" available for just 2 European euros (€) on the eShop, at least until March 27th 2023, my life was saved and I returned uninjured and happy to my beloved home.

Thanks Mario Clock, for saving my life and for so much more.