Definetily inferior compared to Hyrule Warriors but i didn't mind, the gameplay can be and is a bit repetitive but it's a fun game to play the pass the time, not ground breaking and the story is pretty childish and forgettable

I'll only talk about the zombies mode since the online mode is just another online mode COD and the story mode is meh
BOII zombies maps are amazing they went all out with maps Alcatraz, Origins and Tranzit have so much to do that it alone will get you hours upon hours of gameplay just to try finnish every objective, definnetly peak COD

I spent a lot of time playing Zombies and it's an amazing iteration of that game mode, Kino der Toten it's still such an amazing yet simple map and five, der riese and ascension are such amazing maps aswell still extremely fun game to play with friends

A pretty good "fundies" COD game, the concept that made the next COD games famous were introduced in this one and i think it's a good introduction to the series

A game that was to ambitious wich i spent way to much time since it has a grindy aspect to it since getting the best parts for cars takes a lot of time.
The customization is very fun but sometimes limited, you can't go wild with car bodies like NFS but it has more cars that it would be impossible to find in NFS like Lamborghini and Ferrari.
The different vehicles is a good concept but none of them are a blast to use, cars clearly had the most care while planes and boats are super weird and not really fun to spend time with.
It's a shame that they tried to bring this game back to life with a reboot of the online mode but there's a few people playing it and to find a match sometimes takes several minutes.
It's a shame because the game was really fun and everything was working properly

It's a racing game alright, nothing mind blowing, i don't really understand if they were going for a more physics and simulation oriented game or a more arcadey feel, it ends up being mess since it has a lot of mechanics that you'd find on more simulation oriented games like tires temp and brakes locking but at the same time the steering and drifting are more similar to Need For Speed or The Crew

An incredible fun and challenging arcade racing game!
The physics have a bunch of charm and perfect for an arcade racer that can be challenging but also a good party game thanks to the 4 player split-screen co-op.
The challenges to unlock everything for a vehicle are interesting but can be a bit repetitive, the online mode is fun and doesn't have a whole lot of problems, for an online racing game, but there's almost no one playing it.
Incredible concept but very few things to do
I'd find this game more fun to play than the recent NFS games

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It has a lot of potential, the last time i played the game had a bunch of bugs and it crashed a lot

Played for 50 minutes, actually relaxing, after that i accidentaly sold my fishing rod which made the game unplayable because there's no way to get money without fishing and there's no way to be fishing without a rod

Interesting concept, it's a shame that has a bunch of bugs and it has awfull optimization

It's a free game that was made to be fun to play with friends and laugh because how poorly is made and it fills out this role perfectly

The game concept is very funny
I won't give a throughout review for a game that was made by a student