1 review liked by MrAzakanaa

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listen. this game had me in trenches. this is the perfect sandwich that you would eat during elementary school; a bit wobbly in the beginning but MAN does it hit hard after a long day of counting numbers and doing your regularly scheduled nap time.
I've seen and played this game more than i've seen my sibling bro, and thats saying something (that i should play other stuff-) but man- replaying this game just gets me every. single. damn. time. numora was kinda cooking guys idk (rip versus xiii, you will always be in my heart)
this is just a goofy hang out with your bros until you're eventually reminded that yes your kingdom is most likely going to die after 200hrs in the outside world type of game that once you realize that oh shit, theres actually a story in here, that oh shit hits hard at the end of the game bro, im telling you, 15 year old me was grieving like it was the last day on earth brother, im crazy about this game and it's characters.
the steam port was only just the beginning to my decent into madness, as the mods and the community only kept this game alive for me bro like, wdym i can have shrek AND donald duck in my party, whilst mr. freaking krabs tells me all about the regalia and its origins to my dead dad, to which it now makes me king and ohh noo now i got an evil uncle who separated me and my best friend ohhh noooo it made my retainer blind ohhhh noooo now gladio is gone ohhh noo i gotta get my bestie back aww wh ahh o noo im stuck in a crystak- oahhhh nnooo im awake and now my kingdoms gone to shit- awwww mann ohh awhh ohh