For the longest time, I refrained from getting this game for principled reasons. Besides the content of the game itself, Sonic Origins launched with an MSRP of $40, and added insult to injury by having an (optional) Epic Digital Edition that came with meaningless extra trinkets that honestly could've come with the original game.

A year after that, some $10 DLC was added that added Knuckles in CD (he was unusually absent from that in the original release of Origins), Amy Rose in all four featured, and also a few Game Gear Sonic games. They also lowered the price of Origins itself, but that also means that latecomers would get an objectively better deal than fans who decided to jump in on Origins when it released. Sheesh... ...

So, for those reasons, I ignored the game. However, I was the target audience of it, and I knew that ultimately, I'd have liked to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles on my PlayStation 5.

So, when I got the game as a gift ... what was I going to do? Return it? I've got this collection 2 years after it originally launched, and for less than what someone would've got it for at that period ... and I won't look a gift horse in the mouth now that I've got four of the finest platformers ever made, in one package, on my console of choice.

Ultimately, when judging the actual content of the collection itself, and the fact that I received the physical release, which comes with a cute little art book... Maybe Origins Plus is alright ... I'd spend $20 on that. I most definitely enjoyed revisiting Sonic 1, CD, 2, and 3K in that order. I'd originally only played the Whitehead remake of CD on an iPad, and I find that playing CD with a proper controller makes for a world of a difference.

3K's remake is the most novel part, being made from the ground up rather than being a port of something already made for mobile phones. And, honestly? They did a stand-up job. The transition was not without its hiccups, but a stand-up job was done, for sure. So I applaud Christian Whitehead and Headcannon for the hard work. Sonic Team and SEGA... you guys are still getting the side-eye from me on this one.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
