Torna giveth, and then Torna taketh away.

This game hits the ground running at a moderately smooth pace. Perhaps the game realized it'd go a little too quick if one were to bum-rush the plot, so it also made to season our plot with a bit of mandatory side-quests. Nice save!

Truthfully, though, the game never reaches a point where it's a waste of time, which I must commend it for. I cannot understate how good the combat is this time around. Who knew the removal of the gacha system, and the streamlining that comes with that choice, would be exactly what Xenoblade 2's gameplay loop needed?

Torna is an excellent prequel indeed, a true cherry on top of the Xenoblade 2 sundae. When playing this game, I was given a little, but the experience was worth a lot.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2022
