I came into this game entirely blind, and was not quite sure what I expected.

The level design is minuscule, basic, and has a fraction of the set pieces from the original NES levels they're based on. The enemies feel a magnitude more annoying, and dancing and prancing around them with Mega Man's slippery physics were what defined my experience with this itty bitty little game.

It's funny though, because the big bad bosses felt exponentially less threatening than any other Mega Man game in recent memory. When they weren't busy being predictable, I could just let my HP be eaten up a bit and go to town on them.

I was surprised that they shoe-horned in the Mega Man 2 bosses at the late-game. Ultimately, even with their cool weapons, I feel like they didn't do much to enhance the experience.

I was also introduced to Enker, but he wasn't that exciting to fight. His design looks pretty cool even without a color palette, but that's about all I can give him. I only needed to use his weapon once. . .

All in all, Dr. Wily's Revenge is a game that you could really live without playing. It's just not all that remarkable.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
