Enjoyable ride, while I wasn't that fond of many of the humor (horny jokes and cheesy references), I generally found the dialogue to be incredibly fun and even endearing with Juliet and Nick's back in forth which makes up the straightforward plot,

Despite the boss line up being unremarkable in both narrative and gameplay, the general combat is good for what it's trying to do, while I found the normal strings to be more on pointless side as attack animations can cause Juliet to feel floaty for the sake of stunning the zombies enemies, It's much more effective to just use high and low chainsaw attacks and I still got A ranks, that being said it has enough to keep your attention as long as you're extending your moveset instead wasting your coins on frankly pointless stats upgrades or refilling items that shouldn't been there to begin with personally speaking, The ranged shotgun attack is neat option to dispose of certain enemies faster and the ammunition was properly balanced to not make it dominate main combat, the scoring/ranking and leaderboard is also great incentive for replay value despite the game's rather short length.

I do think this is more of a James Gunn production than Suda from the tone and style and that's not knock but to perhaps reconsider giving this game another shot if you felt disappointed before.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
