Cities: Skylines is one of the best and most creative outlet for anyone’s imagination. The immense enjoyment this game brings to me is rivaled by none.

I won’t lie. To truly enjoy this game, you must purchase some DLC but half the time, it’s on sale or included in a bundle. If you can’t get over that then maybe you should get off backloggd and get on

This games interface is easy to learn for beginners and allows even the most dense user to enjoy their creation. The play styles this game allows you to pick up is amazing. You can be ultra-realistic and create an exact replica of Providence, Rhode Island if you please, or, you may make a giant poop volcano and bathe your cims in their own excrement. It’s amazing the different outcomes that may come on each startup.

I was a wee child in 2020 when I first decided to purchase this game. The pandemic had just started and I needed something to pass the time. “Mmph… this looks interesting.” I thought as I scrolled down and read the blocky, blue letters for the first time. I purchased it and tried it out. Like an inner city adult during the crack epidemic, I. Was. Hooked. This game got me through quarantine. I’ve put in 700 hours and counting and I’ve yet to be bored of the worlds I’ve ruled over in this masterpiece. The power of creating and destroying things that I please never gets tiring. Paradox studios was absolutely in their bag when they made this. 2018 LeBron type shit.

This is the pinnacle of sandbox games. I’ve made my fair share of realistic cities and poop volcanoes. It’s taxing to think of a life without Cities: Skylines. I’ve stayed up late at night thinking about road layouts and bus networks.

This game rules, dewd.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023
