Sometimes you don't need a giant open world, or a grand story, sometimes you just need a fun classic 3D platformer. Pac-Man World 2 is one of my personal favorites it has tight controls, good linear levels, and great atmosphere capture everything I want to see in a 3D platformer. I think Tree Tops (the second world) displays everything I love about this game. Climbing trees in the dusk with an atmospheric soundtrack playing while bouncing on trampolines. It's simple and it works.
+ Amazing atmosphere
+ Great level design
+ Challenging
+ Great controls
+ The underwater levels are actually good and have good controls
+ Tokens unlock Pac-Man arcade games which is pretty cool
+ Great OST
+ Really neat ideas like ice skating and using a submarine
- The fact that if you miss one thing in a level you have to completely replay and re-obtain every collectable
- The time trials are a little too tight for my taste

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022

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I agree with most of this stuff. I just personally thought the submarine levels were meh.