5-star collection, no prob gg. provided me with my first experiences of the final mixes of KH1, KH2, and BBS; also the first time I actually beat RE:COM. all remastered in HD-- what more could a boy ask for? one thing actually: full 358/2 game would have been great, but that would have also probably come with Re:Coded full game-- and we wouldn't want that would we?

will likely return at some point in my life due to my love of the franchise and the completionist in me wanting to 100% and get all achievements, but for now this chapter of my long drawn out series replay and journey to finally playing KH3 is complete. onto 2.8 (soon).

June 1, 2021 - December 13, 2023
160/197 achievements
3035/4000 gamerscore

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
