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I like space games. had a real nice run a couple years ago with Tacoma, Deliver Us The Moon, and Observation --so I looked up more cool space games and this is one I found, now finally able to play it on PS5. A very nice looking game, with good sounds, especially when you come across audio logs that play classical piano music. It's an interesting enough story, learning what happened in bits and pieces as you repair station functions, with slow, floaty, space gameplay.

I was able to obtain all the trophies in just two playthroughs, a slight miracle. I was lucky enough to come across all audio logs and transmissions during my first playthrough, something many think is glitched. I spent a lot of time backtracking and exploring trying to find the last few SSDs I had missed, and only used a guide to find the last one when I got sick of aimlessly searching (thankfully it was near the beginning of the guide). I had more or less accepted that I would probably never find all the logs because I had already floated around so long and didn't want to go through the game again or backtrack the entire game following a guide. So it was a rather fist pumping moment when the "Obsessive" trophy popped upon entering the escape pod. This left me with only three trophies: complete in under 2 hours, complete sans dying, and collect only half of the tokens. Easy enough to complete under 2 hours without dying once you've already played through and know where to go and don't bother with any side items.

Overall a good experience, and a high recommend for all space game fans. It is a pretty great experience just playing through the first time at your own pace, uncovering what happened, and exploring at your own leisure (and caution) to find more bits of story. Can be tricky/painstaking to complete, if that's your thing; also no platinum trophy, if that's your thing.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2022
