Played it and loved it. Characters are fun, story is fun, gameplay is decent but there's plenty of room for improvement, loved the concept of it tho.

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I remember when I first layed eyes on this game. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I played it.
I grew addicted to this game: its beautiful soundtrack, charming cast of characters, beautiful stages, its felt like a game that was meant for me. Playing as the Hundred Knight made me feel untouchable, I was slaying all in my path like I was wielding a scythe and all my foes were wheat. This little guy's master, Metallia, is easily one of my favorite magic users in any video game. She may be an anti hero, but damn...the things she does puts other villains to shame. I was left shocked at the end of Chapter 1 where she turned her own mother into a rat, conjured rats of her own and sent them to rape her, that was straight up maniacal, downright disgusting. Not even the great Overlord Laharl would try such a thing! From that point on, whenever she appeared on screen, i wondered what sort of messed-up action she was going to do next...she was a menace and that unadulterated evil was something I never saw much. Over the course of the story, I fell more and more in love with her. This woman is an anti hero taken to its limits: rotton to the core yet selfless with the best intentions. When she does something good, she does something good. And when she does something bad, she does something bad. I could be here all day talking about how much I love the characters (and especially Metallia, my favorite swamp goblin), but it's time I discuss the story: The story was quite good, with its thrilling stakes and what not. Metallia's 100 days were kind of a bother due to how fast and slow they count down. The pacing of those days is...very bizarre. Overall, it's quite good for NIS's first truly serious story.
The Revival Edition's Tower of Illusion had a story attached to it too. It was good for what it was: a bonus with the item dungeon, but I was left wanting to get to the next cutscene more often than not. Those floors are so, so annoying...I wish they did them better.
The gameplay has many highs and some very low lows. I'll props to NIS for the Mystical Dodge ability and the complexity of your arsenal, but honestly? It's okay at best. At the end of the game, there's this nasty difficulty spike that effected my enjoyment of the game. Enemies one shot you, you do little damage and it's just...not that great.
The Witch and The Hundred Knight is like Marmite: Many will pan it, but some will adore it. I happen to be one of the few who adore this game in spite of its flaws. It's not perfect, but it's one of the best games I've ever played. Maybe I'll do a second playthrough...