Originally written in 2014.
This game had been in my library for some time. I started playing because I had the chance to try Last Light and thought it was great but I always try to play any series in order of release.

Perhaps the best thing about 2033 is its atmosphere and sense of style. You get to discover a whole living and breathing world in the tunnels of the metro. There's been a nuclear holocaust and the survivers have taken refuge underground. They have build new cities there and are trying to lead a normal life but they are plagued by mutated monsters and the constant war between the different factions (Reds, Nazis, etc). Your journey will take you accross the whole network of the metro, letting you see people in their daily environment. You can stop and just listen to their conversations and it's actually worth it, but you don't have to do it, if you don't want to. You'll also see the different sides of the conflict so you can make your own judgements. There's also the surface which you'll get to explore a bit, but I wish there was more of it. It can be even more unnerving than the darkness of the tunnels. You have to wear a gas mask and watch your oxygen levels. While you're forced to listen to your character heavy breathing you are being attacked by mutated beasts.

Gameplay-wise 2033 combines FPS with stealth elements. Unfortunately the stealth isn't that great. Sneaking is not always an option and to kill silently you have only throwable knives and any silent weapons that you may have. These are not always reliable since enemies later in the game have heavy armour and a headshot won't do and my knives just bounced off them sometimes. If your cover gets blown every guard in the area knows your position and you'll likely get butchered. This led to some of the most frustrating moments of the game. When fighting, enemy AI is ok but I caught them doing some weird stuff like taking cover on the wrong side of a wall and just begging to be shot. The sections where you fight mutants are exciting and challenging. This is not the kind of game which let's you play Rambo style. Ammo and supplies are scarce and you need to watch them closely.

Overall I like the weapons in the game - they realy look like they come from a post-apocalyptic world. I'm not a fan of the pneumatic ones which are powerful but require you to pump the manually as well as reload them. They are unrliable when you are in a big fight surrounded by enemies. The game actually uses pre-war bullets as currency and you can either buy equipment with them or put them in your gun for a bigger punch.
In Metro 2033 you play as Artyom - a young man who has spent his life in his home station (town) and has no knowledge of the other parts of the metro. Now his people are being killed of by the Dark Ones. These are a new kind of mutants which seem to have some psychic powers. Artyom is somehow special and is able to establish contact with them. After even a highly trained soldier disapers fighting the Dark Ones, Aryom sets off for the city of the rangers (a neutral faction) to report the situation and ask for help. The game has a strong sense of adventure. You'll meet several interesting characters along the way (Khan being my favourite) and you'll explore various environments. There are two possible endings to the game, but this may remain hidden for most players. I wouldn't have known myself, if I haden't looked it up. If you intend to play the game only once, look it up. Otherwise it's better not to spoil it for yourself. Also the silent protagonist doesn't help the storytelling much. Voice acting is a bit of a hit and miss and some of the character models of the supporting charecters are difficult to distinguish from one another. Overall, the story is interesting, not the greatest, but pretty good.

I should mention some of the main drawbacks for me. Like I said above, the stealth needs iprovement and the AI could be a bit better. Also the controlls feel kind of weird (I play with a 360 controller). For instance melee and iron sights use one and the same button meaning you can't melee with some weapons and can't look through the sights with others. Also you have to cycle through weapons rather than having a seperate button for bringing up a selection menu. It's just not up to date with modern shooters (in terms of controls).

To sum it up I enjoyed the game and I recommend it to anyone who values atmosphere, story and a solid single player FPS experience. You rarely get so much attention on the campaign especially in this genre. I've just started Last Light and it looks like it's not necessary to play the original to get in to it, but I suggest that you do.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
