Katana Zero is a cool ass game, easily my second favorite game that starts with ‘K’ and ends with ‘Zero’. The action-platformer gameplay is about as crisp as you could wish for, every option feeling both useful and satisfying in every situation, an impressive feat even some of the best of its ilk can’t pull off. The dodgeroll, the time slowdown, deflecting bullets with your sword, and the item throw all feel great to pull off, and chaining them into each other induces massive dopamine blasts into my stupid little brain.

The way every death and subsequent retry on every room actually makes sense and is accounted for within the game is brilliant. Rather than simply going through the act level as the character, when you are in control and trying to clear rooms, you’re actually planning it out using the protagonist precognition, an idea that I cannot understate how much I adore. In almost every single game, any given death or loss has no impact on the actual story of the game, just disappearing into the ether for the eventual successful attempt to take its place, and seeing this subverted in such a way is so fun and interesting.

The games looks amazing as well, the pixel art is all great and I love the flashy neon everywhere, which looks great in a literal sense rather than a ‘it’s great in the context of the narrative but can be sort of ugly to actually look at’ sense like in Hotline Miami. Hotline Miami, of course, being an obvious inspiration not just in the visuals and adrenaline-fueled gameplay but also in the music, which unfortunately is a mixed bag. The level music isn’t ever offensive, but I found it rather forgettable in the whole, a shame considering the music for story scenes was great, and not something I expected.

Speaking of, the story is actually really damn good! I found myself much more invested than I thought I’d be going on, which made me all the more disappointed by the end of the game. Katana Zero doesn’t really end, but rather sets itself up for a DLC or sequel, both of which I’ve heard rumblings of. Until then, I can only judge Katana Zero on what is present, which is quite good albeit not groundbreaking in a literal or thematic sense.

As a whole, Katana Zero is amazing for what it is, and left me wanting more in a way that I don’t find myself feeling as often anymore. This is an easy recommend for anyone who thinks the game looks even a little interesting, and the short run time makes it a great game to go through on a rainy day.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024


1 month ago

definitely agree on the music, i feel they were too generic at times. tho 2 diamonds in the rough live rent free in my head:



1 month ago

@imshitting420 The OST's peaks are incredible for sure, both of those tracks included. It's a shame the whole soundtrack wasn't that good, though to be fair that'd be very hard to pull off.