When it comes to style, Everhood has got it in spades. The vibes here are never ending, a necessity considering its the game’s strongest aspect. The overworld and character designs are good, sure, but it's in the combat where Everhood’s atmosphere really shines [Unless you don’t like flashing lights].
Unfortunately, Everhood also has some prevalent thoughts, most notably that attacks don’t necessarily line up great with their corresponding tracks, a huge problem for a rhythm game. It’s rough enough for some players to recommend doing some of the more difficult fights with the music. That's a fairly damning criticism (for the record I don’t think it's that bad but it's still a valid issue nonetheless) especially when considering the gameplay itself isn’t stellar. It's far from bad, but it isn’t any kind of revelation either. Most of the time it won’t ever be a negative, save for one or two longer, more difficult fights that will likely require several tries from the player.
The music, the lifeblood of any and every rhythm game, is… solid? Everhood doesn’t really have any bad tracks, but it doesn’t have enough bangers to stand out against other music-centric games. In no way should it be counted as a negative against the game, but it's hard to argue that it's any sort of massive story point.
Now, aside from the general atmosphere and visuals, the story is Everhood’s other main strength. It also isn’t revolutionary, but it's pretty damn good. It also happens to be the type of story best gone into blind, so anyone interested ought to go play it before reading/watching anything going into spoiler territory.
This review may seem a tad harsh, but don’t confuse it for a true knock against the game. For all of Everhood’s rough edges, there’s a strong heart to this game, one that shouldn’t be discounted.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024


24 days ago

I'd once again like to thank @duhnuhnuh for the steam key!

24 days ago

Sounds like it has its blemishes, but in the end, it does some things well. Thanks for the review, I've had this one sitting on my backlog (and its sequel on my wishlist) for a bit, so happy to hear your perspective before going into it whenever I get around to playing it.

Thanks again for participating in the giveaway, and feel free to pick out a new game when you want another!

24 days ago

@duhnuhnuh Spot on, I hope you enjoy it whenever you decide to give it a go!

22 days ago

yes ! love everhood a lot ! i agree song are not that amazing but love the gnome one . that fight so good . also love dnd part . so funny ! very strange story . strange .

22 days ago

@mlinguine the gnome bit was cool for sure, might even be my favorite part of the game but I'd have to think about it