Um this was interesting. This really is just a side mode but Nintendo counts it as a main entry so I included it in my marathon. I played the single player mode and it was fine. Nothing particularly clever or fun to be frank. I could see this being a little more enjoyable if I had played it with someone else but not THAT much more enjoyable to be honest.

I’m happy to see the return to the Oracle of Seasons items like Roc’s Cape and the Magnetic Glove, that was a nice surprise! The Magnetic Glove definitely needs to be in more Zelda games. I’m mostly baffled that Four Swords is the first entry that features Toon Link, Vaati, the Minish Cap art style, and the Minish Cap shrinking mechanic most of all!!

Overall, Four Swords is an okay time as a single player experience. I’m thankful that it’s pretty short. Good foundation for the concept of a multiplayer Zelda, I wonder where Four Swords Adventures is going to go with that concept..

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
