gotta say, hopes werent high after Super Mario World. i figured this would be another overrated 2D platformer that gets free points for the nostalgia vibes, but being as disconnected from it as i am this was a pleasant surprise.

there’s still nothing exemplary about the gameplay of Mario World 2, but the level design is just conducive enough to the run-jump-eat-shoot-repeat gameplay to reward thorough and speedy players alike. the game design in and of itself would be good enough to warrant an off-hand recommendation, but its the lovely chalky aesthetic and truly blissful sound design that elevate yoshi’s island. every song is a slapperoonie, most of the sound effects are satisfying as all get out to listen to (barring one, im sure you know) and the enemy design, oh dear heavens the enemy design. every enemy in this game is so god damn cute. everything about this game is so god damn cute. go play this god damn game you asshole

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2021
