pretty awesome expansion that bolsters a lot of the strengths and a lot of the weaknesses that Ragnarok had. its pretty fun to brutalize the enemies in this game especially since that little dickhead kid isnt around, but somehow even without the worst character around the writing still finds a way to flounder. GoW 2018 handled a "mature" story incredibly well but Ragnarok's big problem is that its idea of "maturity" is giving a bunch of verbose, namby-pamby speeches about how killing is bad. this game does nothing to address the impersonal, pathetic way the main game handles its characters but it does a lot to address the fact that the game is better when atreus isnt there so it gets full points. also, the fan service worked on me. also, getting to actually fight the God of War in this one was given just the right amount of grandiosity and grounding that it needed to. ultimately pretty cool expansion, looking forward to the next mainline title where kratos makes daisy chains with anubis or some shit

Reviewed on May 25, 2024

1 Comment

28 days ago

also going back to greece is really funny because
A) its really cowardly since the reboot's whole fucking thing was "things are different, boy" and
B) this game takes enough shit from Hades already lol