i might catch some shit for this one but hear me out. this game can reach some dizzying heights, you all know that. when it's all about the platforming, it's platforming bliss. silky smooth controls and level design that really incentivizes the kind of speed you can reach with the moves make it a fantastic time when you're hoppin' around.

but you're not hoppin' around enough. there are way too many gimmick levels that completely detract from what makes this game good and even when it isn't a gimmicky wind or rollercoaster or animal level, sometimes the level designers can get a little too british and fuck you around too much. there's some level of trial and error in MOST levels, platforming or otherwise, thats just fucking annoying over anything else. there are so many good things about this game but they only show their faces when the game isn't either doing some random crap, or just being an asshole. when it isn't, though, it's really somethin'.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
