this is a game that's extremely in over it's head, and i think it knows

bold as it is to try and remake Final Fantasy VII, one of the most influential and loved games of all time, it goes above and beyond and not only doesnt remake the entire game but does so in what COULD be seen as the most small-brained, ill-advised way possible.

the most obvious change for them to make was to upgrade the combat by making it an actual video game, and for the most part it works as well as you could hope. your party's abilities are limited but extremely satisfying to perform throughout the duration, mostly thanks to the amount of enemy variety on display. its not a total dodge-counter-spam-fest of an action game, but its not a simple find-an-enemy's-element-and-then-use-the-spell-thats-the-opposite-of-that RPG either; every enemy is like a new puzzle to solve and fighting them is almost always a treat -- the bosses especially are an excellent mixture of cinematic flair and a desperate struggle to always think three steps ahead.

the parts where problems come in are the pacing of both the gameplay and the story. it being only the first fifth of the original game stretched to full length, it actually does an admirable job of staying interesting for the majority of it's duration; all the locales are gorgeous, the music is incredible as ever and there's often a lot of cool new shit to fight. the problem is that the game likes to repeat itself incredibly often. there are several instances where a moment that was quickly brushed past in the original needs to be stretched out to an entire chapter to justify making the game as long as it is, at least five instances of which are just cloud and the gang falling down a big hole and spending an entire chapter trying to get back to where the chapter started, learning nothing on the way.

i know how it sounds, but i do actually like this game. i was extremely entertained for at least like 24 of this game's 30 hour runtime and the rest i wouldn't even call strictly bad. it's heavily, heavily flawed, but it's so honest and endearing in it's approach that i can't help but love it and pat it on the head. and tifa has comically large boob so that worth at least like what half a star so

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2021
